7 de diciembre de 2008

De narcotrafico y secuestros

Si bien una de nuestras más entonadas y conocidas canciones suena así: México lindo y querido… siendo un país con mucha potencia, aunque con muchos problemas también, es una lastima que hoy en día la palabra México sea más reconocida por la situación violenta y de drogas en la que esta ahora.
Hoy en día en mi lindo y querido país las cosas han cambiado…si cambiado… pero de mal a peor. El numero de asesinatos y secuestrados han aumentado un montón a pesar de una nueva fuerza de policía dedicada al narcotráfico y seguridad. Tengo por amigo a un chico, quien es artista, y el me dijo que estaba pensando en irse de el país. El vive en un pueblo que he visitado y me parecía tranquilo pero en realidad es un centro de narcotráfico. Irónicamente, la mayoría de sus clientes son aparentemente involucrados en el narcotráfico. Son los únicos que tienen dinero para comprar sus obras. Sin embargo, esta pensando en escaparse de ese lugar.
Navegando por la Internet encontré este
articulo muy bueno en BBC Mundo que se trata del narcotráfico. Les recomiendo mucho. Los datos son muy feos me da lastima intensa como mi país y la gente viven dentro de esto.
En México, el tema de la droga ya es muy marcado. Se oyen canciones muy graciosas (a veces y otras muy crueles) sobre la droga por una banda mexicana, Molotov.
No se las recomiendo mucho, advierto que contienen muchas palabrotas. Se llama Frijolero y es cantada la mitad en ingles y la mitad en el español para ver el problema des los dos lados.
Del narcotráfico me doy una vuelta y hablo sobre el secuestro que hoy en día, es la forma más palpable del miedo en los ciudadanos, desde las extorsiones hasta la mutilación de miembros del cuerpo para ser enviados a los familiares, son actos indeseados para las familias que desgraciadamente han pasado por este tipo de situaciones, durante esta semana he seguido muy de cerca a través de las noticias el caso de
Silvia Vargas, realmente es impresionante como nuestras autoridades no han hecho nada y en sus ultimas investigaciones concluyen que ya esta muerta cuando durante meses ni una pista habían dado, la familia fue quien hizo investigaciones y lograron encontrar información, pero sin duda quien debía de hacer el trabajo no lo hizo… otro caso cerrado (es lo que va a pasar) y desgraciadamente sin encontrar culpables (como pasa siempre).

While one of our most well-known songs sung and it sounds like this: Mexico cute and wanted ... to be a country with great power, but also with many problems, it is a pity that today Mexico is the word most recognized by the violent situation and Drugs in this now. Today in my beloved country and nice things have changed ... ... but if changed from bad to worse. The number of murders and kidnappings have risen sharply despite a new police force dedicated to drug trafficking and security. I have a friend for a boy, who is an artist, and told me he was thinking of leaving the country. He lives in a village that I visited and it seemed quiet but actually is a center of drug trafficking. Ironically, most of their customers are apparently involved in drug trafficking. They are the only ones who have money to buy their works. However, this thinking of running away from that place. Surfing the Internet I found this very good article on BBC World that it is the drug trade. I recommend a lot. The data are very ugly intense as I get hurt my country and the people living within it. In Mexico, the topic of drugs is already very marked. Hear songs very funny (sometimes very cruel and others) on the drug by a Mexican band, Molotov. They are not recommend a lot, warning that contain a lot of swearing. It's called Frijolero and is sung half in English and half in Spanish to see the problem from both sides. Drug trafficking, I turned around and talk about a kidnapping that today, is the most visible form of fear in people, from extortion to the maiming of members of the body to be sent to relatives, they are unwanted acts for families which unfortunately have gone through this kind of situation, this week I have followed closely through the news the case of Silvia Vargas, is really impressive as our authorities have done nothing and in its latest research concludes that already dead when for months or had a clue, the family was the one who made investigations and succeeded in finding information, but certainly I had to do the job he did not ... otherwise closed (what happens) and unfortunately not found guilty (as always) .

2 comentarios:

Camila Almeida dijo...

Hi, Ruth!
I'm visitng some blogs from our course and I liked your text about Mexico. It is interesting, I'll probably ready the other text on BBC World you recommended. This Layout is the same that I use in my other blog (camilanoar.blospot.com). I hope you enjoy the course!

* dijo...

I'am sorry to be writing in english, but I am not able to write in spanish. Although I read it in spanish and was very surprised how much it emotioned me, also because of the laguage I believe, for its authenticity.

You know, I live in Copacabana Beach and sometimes the police get into the most near hill, which is occupied by a favela controlled by drug dealers. In these days, we hear the shots as if they were on the streets. It's very scary. I mean, we have to live with problems similar as the one you-ve related.

At São Paulo you don't see poverty like in Rio, but a taxi driver there told me, last week, that where he live poor people gets kidnapped all the time, mainly to get their money at bank accounts. It is very common to see people dead or getting killed too, but this is not at the newspapers, because it happens in poors areas of São Paulo. In Rio, we are inside violent areas becuse of the hills.

Yesterday I went to a cousin's daughter party, qhere some relatives were telling me stories about problems they have or have know with criminals, including police and politicians. I was wondering if this is not a problem of the whole Latin America, and then I saw your post.

The reality is that the bad guys are in command. We are starting to have problems too with paramilitar groups, beisdes our histrical problem with the "bicheiros", as are known the mafia that explores the Animals Game and now bingos and similar things.

Sometimes I think, if the US could control arms traffic, how drug dealers and paramilitar groups would act? I think it would be impossible. Their operation would be much more under control of the state and they wouldn't need to get into Colombia to fight against nacrotrafico.

The problem is that, even in the US, the bad guys must be in command too. So, we need international help, but if we ask, they will charge it heavily. So, I think of football, tryind to focus in the game and not in what is behind it.

Sorry if it was very unhopeful.